Minnesota's Most Haunted Restaurants & Bars - Enjoy a Dinner with the Dearly Departed at These Haunted Hangouts!
Unlike many of ##Region##'s Most Haunted Locales that are closed to the public, ##Region##'s Haunted Restaurants and Bars are open for business, and welcome haunt seekers to enjoy a meal among the ghosts and ghouls who have chosen to hang around their favorite local haunt indefinitely. Many of ##Region##'s Haunted Restaurants, Taverns, and Eateries have been icons of the community for ages, making them an unsurprising destination for ##Region##'s departed residents. Check out the list below to find out more about the most haunted restaurants, bars, taverns, diners, and other eateries across ##Region##, but be prepared for some unexpected, unworldly company as you dine!

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This restaurant serves French cuisine and is rumored to be haunted by a young maid named Molly. Molly had and affair with Joseph Lybrandt Forepaugh and when his wife Mary found the two together in bed, pregnant Molly hanged herself from a chandelier and threw herself out of a third-story window. Molly's spirit has been heard and seen in the restaurant and Joseph is also rumored to... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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- 3
Those that are said to haunt this building include the former brothel's staff members. As the local legend goes, either some of the brothel patrons murdered Madam Mrs. Jackson and stole her money, or Mrs. Jackson hanged herself from a chandelier on the third floor after she lost the hotel. Apparitions have been seen upstairs and pictures have moved on their own. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters | Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This location has previously been known as the Noose Bar and the Moonshine Saloon. It is rumored to be haunted and eerie happenings at the saloon include a beer glass that flew across the room and shattered against the wall, and a jukebox started up on its own. Faucets have turned on in the bathroom and startled a patron and a neon sign swung and fell despite a lack of wind. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This building dates back to 1890 and was once a brothel where a little girl named Betsy worked as an entertainer, while her true love was away at war. Her soldier promised to take her away, but she unfortunately was killed before this could happen. This location now operates as a bar, minus the second floor where Betsy was murdered. The owners of the bar have claimed glasses have tipped... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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"This restaurant reportedly has a ton of eerie occurrences that happen after a man committed suicide in 1999 in one of the upstairs apartments. The man worked at the restaurant and was named Tom, he was known to be a reliable staff members and then one day he didn't show up to work. When the owners went to check on him, they found his dead body with his dog curled up beside him. The... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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The upstairs apartment to this building was the unfortunate setting for a 40 Club employee’s suicide in 1999, and since then, people claim, strange things have happened at the restaurant. Tom’s body was found after he failed to show up for work one day. Now, the jukebox plays songs buy itself (including one that wasn’t stocked in the jukebox but was played at Tom’s funeral), cold spots... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This Old Broadway Food and Spirits is believed to be haunted and past employees have claimed that the inside of the building has cold chills, objects that move on their own (pots, pans, silverware), and an apparition of a phantom bartender shows up on the security cameras. The building was originally a private residence and housed a funeral home in 1926 before it was a series of... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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Black Woods Bar & Grill has multiple locations in Minnesota, however, it's their Two Harbors location that is believed to be haunted. The restaurant opened its doors in 1994, but prior to this the location operated as an orphanage. Legend has it that a young orphan named Sarah fell to her death down the stairs here. Some believe it is her spirit that lingers at the restaurant. The ghost... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This restaurant is no longer in operation and is believed to be haunted by a former owner who had killed themselves in the kitchen. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This location is believed to be the home to a ghostly lady wearing white, cold chills and disembodied footsteps. According to one report, the female ghost has been seen near the furniture, touching it, possibly looking for any dust. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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- 4.5 / 5
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- 4
This Dairy Queen is rumored to be haunted by the sounds of children laughing and the sounds of employees' names being called have been heard after closing. Suspicious order print up that were never ordered by anyone in the realm of living and items have been know to vanish or fall loudly off the cooler shelves. Cold spots have also been reported here. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars