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Old Jail Bed and Breakfast - Real Taylors Falls Haunt

  • 349 W. Government St.
  • Taylors Falls, MN
  • (651) 465-3112
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This building is supposedly the oldest in Minnesota and the northern building once operated as a funeral home in the 1800s. The location is now an inn and a ton of paranormal activity has been reported here. During the Prohibition Era, when the funeral home was a haberdashery with a back room that opened into a tunnel that led to a bootleggers' spot. The tunnel still exists to this day and haunts have been reported on the grounds, including a boy who likes to appear on the second and third floors, and a woman's apparition that shows up on the third floor. Email Haunt
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  • Stayed in jail

    We stayed 1 night late summer aug 2018, first we couldnt open front door handel wouldnt turn but went thru back and door freely opened, closed shade on window toward street in living area walk ti kitchen walk back and shade opened, stayed up all night, sittung on couch, hard breeze of cold air twice all windows closed during wee hrs heard sounds off foot steps that sounded like had spurs on and heard what sounded like metal chair dragging across floor, the front door did the not open again and we recorded it, did feel a heavyness in the air and felt as we were be watched, not big on ghost just wanted to check it out, we want to return and rent the room that was a moruge

    Posted 2/16/19

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  • Very eerie nightmare early morning!

    Dreamt that I woke up to many voices coming from tunnel, when they became overpowering I tried to wake up my friend to ask if she was hearing what I was hearing,but in this dream she wasn't responding.then there were actually people in the room all around me and I ended up on the floor caught up in the bedding, I tried to get out of the room but I kept getting stopped by a man dressed like a gambler.woke up shaking violently and my heart was racing.It was so surreal that I honestly don't know if I just had a crazy dream,or did these people from the past really get in my head like that? Very eerie nightmare, I can not discount what people say they experience ever again after this morning.

    Posted 6/18/17

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Contact Phone #: (651) 465-3112

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3313 days ago)

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