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Lumber Barons - The Water Street Inn - Real Stillwater Haunted Place

  • 101 Water St. S
  • Stillwater, MN
  • (651) 439-6000
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This location was once Lumber Barons and is now the Water Street Inn and is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a drunken Confederate soldier. The soldier passed away on the second floor of the S.W. suite and some say his ghostly sweaty odor can be detected at times. Email Haunt
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  • It is haunted

    Stayed here 3 years ago for our 20th wedding anniversary. I kept feeling something touching my feet. There was also something making our candy bags sound like someone was owning them up. The a/c was not running and no vents pointed to the table. Would stay here again!

    Posted 6/13/24

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  • You got the wrong ghost

    I've been working at the Water Street Inn for a while now and have also spent the night multiple times. I hate to break it to you, no one who works there has ever had any experiences with this "smelly soldier". Now, don't get me wrong, the building is still very much haunted. I've even had a few experiences myself (doors opening and shutting on their own, spots so cold you can see your breath in the middle of summer, unexplained noises, camera glitches, a feeling of being watched, and more). But you can ask anyone who works there and they will tell you that this story is a hoax. There are multiple ghosts that haunt the hotel, but they are all very sweet and none of them come with the smell of body odor.

    Posted 8/26/21

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  • Quick comment about the "rank rebel"...

    Back in the late 1970's, I worked for a firm that had its offices in the Lumberman's Exchange building. According to the office gals, the smelly specter would occasionally make his presence known not only by his body odor, but also with footsteps in the then vacant offices on the second story of the south-west corner of the building. There has been a lot of discounting of the idea of a former "Johnny Reb" haunting a post-Civil War building in "staunchly Union" Minnesota, but a lot of Southerners really had nothing left to go home to after the war, and they came north to homestead and start new lives, especially in southern Minnesota. As far as I know, there is no rule that the dear departed must appear in the garb they die in--why should they?..

    Posted 9/16/18

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