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Warden's House Museum - Real Stillwater Haunted Place

  • 602 North Main Street
  • Stillwater, MN
  • (651) 439-5956
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This museum dates back to 1853 as the home of the Minnesota Territorial Prison warden and it is rumored to be haunted. Henry Wolfer was the last warden to live here, and his daughter Trudy got married and moved away. She died of appendicitis after she gave birth to her son, and her father raised the baby in the Warden's House. People have reported an entity of a woman with stomach pains in search of a baby and the sound of shoveling coal has been heard in the basement.
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  • Trudy

    My parents have told so many urban legends and I don’t know why but this one stands out to me. I hope that Trudy gets reunited with her son. I also have visited the museum before in hopes of encountering Trudy.

    Posted 11/1/18

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  • A quick comment and direction to on-line evidence...

    This site has been extensively and repeatedly investigated by ghost hunters such as the St. Croix Paranormal Investigators and the Johnsdale Paranormal Investigators. I believe both groups have PERSUASIVE evidence from this site on-line, including images and EVP that will make your hair stand on end! Trudy herself is actually interred in Fairview Cemetery on Osgood Avenue, just a little ways north off of Hwy. 36. She is in the triangular shaped block that you first come to if you use the Orleans St. entrance. She rests near an upright marker with her family name "Wolfer", about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way back, in the middle of the block, at the base of a small rise/hill. If you go past the Tozier mausoleum, you went too far! If you do visit her please be respectful, and maybe say a little prayer that she and her son can be reunited in peace in eternity...

    Posted 9/21/18

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3347 days ago)

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