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St. Cloud State University - Saint Cloud MN Real Haunt

  • 720 4th Ave. S
  • Saint Cloud, MN
  • (320) 308-0121
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There are four locations that are rumored to be haunted at this university. One is Shoemaker Hall, where a pregnant student hanged herself in a basement meat locker after she had an affair with one of the janitors. Her ghost is known to move objects around, make clocks flash the wrong numbers, and float over the beds of students. At the 1911 Riverview Hall, a spirit of a woman has been seen and heard lingering the hallways with her high heels clicking. The ghost of a young child is also said to roam around the hall. The James W. Miller Learning Resources Center is believed to have been built over a graveyard and there have been some sightings of apparitions here. One of the spirits here is a 19th-century soldier. The oldest hall on campus, dating back to 1904, is Lawrence Hall and it is haunted by the spirits of a bald man that has been seen along with flashing lights. Many believe they linger from a 1950 case where a janitor killed two instructors.
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  • Just saying a little something

    I've pasted this building many times seems like a nice place if I was a ghost I'd probably still be having a good time therelol.

    Posted 1/15/24

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  • Archives Office

    I worked in the Archives office for about 3 years between 2002-2005. I would move artifacts around, look at old books, file papers. I had several encounters there. Once after touching a book from the 1600s I heard disembodied voices. I saw a full body apparition of someone who looked like a professor. I saw numerous shadow people that would disappear if I looked straight at them. Numerous times while filling papers the stacks of papers would be moved from where I put them. I encountered several cold spots and lights flickering throughout the office. Never felt scared or like I was wished harm. Going behind Riverview and down the stairs was another story. I made it down the first flight of stairs and felt my body freeze up. I could not move. Went back up the stairs and walked across a bridge and felt like I was being followed. Whoever was behind Riverview was not happy about people going back there.

    Posted 9/16/23

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  • Man in the reflection

    I was a freshman in 2016 at SCSU living in Lawrence hall. I had heard about the story of the haunting and personal experiences from my friends who were staffed at the front desk but I had never experienced the lights flickering or the man standing at the end of the hall in the basement. BUT one night in February I was waiting for my friend to pick me up to go out. For context, my window looked straight out to the atrium and the circle drive in front of Lawrence. The room has 2 lights, the main one that illuminates the whole room and a dim one that shines in the doorway. My roommate and I would always leave our doorway light on when we left. I had just got off the phone with my friend to see where they were and walked over to the window to look down at the circle drive to watch for them to pull up. When I panned back up to look at my reflection eye to eye, behind me right shoulder in the dim-lit doorway was the reflection of a man! I panicked and turned around quickly to find no one there. I NEARLY PEED MYSELF. While still in a state of panic, I grabbed my keys and phone, and ran out of that room, down the hall, and out the front doors. Mind you, it's February which is one of the coldest, if not the coldest month in Minnesota and I would've rather stood outside in the freezing cold for another 20 minutes than up in my warm room with the disappearing man. Later, I told my front desk friend what had happened and she gave me details that I had not known about this man. I did not know that this man was bald. I did not know that this man would be wearing something resembling a janitor but that's EXACTLY WHAT HE LOOKED LIKE. This was the only experience I had and even today, almost 5 years later, I can still see the man perfectly when I think back on memory. So those going to Lawrence hall, if you're eager to see some activity like I was, it might just show up when you least expect and want it to.

    Posted 1/18/22

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  • Riverview

    I was a freshman at St.Cloud State in 2016. I was an hour early to class, maybe 6:50 AM. I was watching YouTube on the floor upstairs and I hear heels approaching on the (marble) staircase. I sat up abruptly as I heard heels. The sound stopped and I was confused. Thought maybe the person had walked away. But wouldn't I hear their shoes on the (marbled) 1st floor? I was talking to my grandmother a few months later who used to work for the newspaper in the riverview basement. Back in the 60's. She informed me it was haunted with a lady in heels she heard walking around and getting drinks of water. It freaked me out to hear the comparison before knowing this was known to many.

    Posted 5/10/20

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  • St Cloud State Hauntings

    Where to begin? First of all there has only ever been ONE murder committed on the campus and that was in around 1980. The only suicide known to have occurred on campus was in the 1970s and was a male student in Stearns Hall. As for Riverview being haunted? I have been in that building many times, both at night, and in the daytime, and never once encountered any apparition of a "bald man" or any other spirit figure.

    Posted 10/10/18

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3347 days ago)

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