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Hoyt Lakes Memorial Cemetery - Hoyt Lakes MN Real Haunted Places

  • 546 Hampshire Dr.
  • Hoyt Lakes, MN
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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The legend of this cemetery has it that there is a disappearing hitchhiker ghost. The ghost is said to be a teenage girl who was visiting the graveyard with friends and was left behind. She died of fright and is said to look for a ride away from the graveyard.
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  • Loud screeching

    I was on a late night walk around 2-3 in the morning and decided to take my walk down the road which the cemetery is on. I've walked down this road in the middle of the night many times before and never had anything happen or seen anything. This time however as I was making my way past the entrance of the cemetery I saw a large white figure about 10-15 feet in the air dash across the road very fast and this was wayyyy too big to be a bird. despite this I stopped for a moment to figure out what I just saw. It looked kinda like those white angel figurines but as if the dress was swaying only I couldn't make out a head or any facial features. it must've been 10 seconds after it dashed across the road that I heard a very loud blood curdling screeching sound come from the spot I watched it dash to. I then turned around and got off that road as fast as I could. I should mention the shape of what I saw is pretty hard to describe and the description I gave is the closest thing I can actually think of to how it actually looked. Only other way I might describe it is Jaggedy

    Posted 7/27/24

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  • Yes shes there

    I drove there, Asked for the hitch hiker, and said i would help find the people that did this, And she came in front of car, and drew a 6 in light form, WIth a Demon in back of her, I have a video and pictures of the lady...How ever i dont understand why she raised her hand, drew a 6 in light form, I wish i knew her name ...people said it was bertha or linda not sher......I'd like to know.

    Posted 6/21/19

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,773
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3348 days ago)

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