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Holy Name Cemetery - Plymouth MN Real Haunts

  • Holy Name Rd.
  • Plymouth, MN
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  (10 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery has seen its fair share of strange happenings, including a white apparitions, voices, footsteps, phantom disappearing headlights and unexplained wind. The cemetery is located across the street from a brick church.
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  • Pretty Peaceful

    I was a volunteer who photographed most of the grave markers several years ago. I spent quite a lot of time at Holy Name and did not experience any paranormal. However, in other cemeteries in the area I did. There may be paranormal activity there, but did not show itself when I was there.

    Posted 2/16/25

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  • Pretty sure it's haunted!

    Years ago me and my friends went there while it was dark. Walked up the hill and it started raining. We didn't see any activity and we were getting wet so we decided to go back to the car. As we turned around we heard a door creek open loudly and a shot gun was fired but no spark from the barrel was seen nor any kind of building. We hit the deck and sprinted back to the car and didn't talk the whole way home!

    Posted 8/17/22

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Not haunted

    Do not believe the message it is not true it is a peaceful church and resting area for pets, babies , kids , and adults It is sad how people think it’s haunted overall it’s pretty

    Posted 7/11/22

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Not haunted

    It is a 100% not haunted I have been there plenty of times and it is always so beautiful there I do not think it's haunted I have never had any dad experience there and I live really close to there

    Posted 9/22/20

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    3 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Not haunted

    I have several relatives buried there. The cemetery and church are both very pleasant. Not a single odd happening to speak of.

    Posted 5/2/20

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Not at all haunted-- remove this cemetery from your "haunted" list

    If you are looking for an old haunted cemetery, this is certainly NOT it! I live near the cemetery and have a number of relatives buried there. I have visited the cemetery on numerous occasions, both during the day and in the evening and so have my family, and none of us has ever had any type of paranormal experience whatsoever. It is a beautiful, peaceful place and to call it haunted is just ridiculous!

    Posted 8/25/19

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Not Scary

    I was there with my sister late one night. We conducted Evp sessions and took photos. We experienced nothing scary and our overall feeling was this is a very peaceful resting place. With that said, we did capture EVPs of whispering and outright talking. It's a very busy place, but friendly.

    Posted 8/17/18

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Not haunted!

    My mother and many of my ancestors and relatives grew up farms next to Holy Name Lake and lived there for many years. None of them ever had a paranormal experience and they report that it is a lovely, peaceful cemetery and definitely NOT haunted!

    Posted 11/1/17

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • I attend their masses

    I went to school in Holy Name as a 6th grader but I've never gotten any paranormal expiriences but some of my friends had claimed they had. One of my friends brother saw a little 9 year oldish girl in the boys bathroom in the mirror but he turned and no one was there.

    Posted 5/31/17

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • We saw my grandparents flying around

    We saw my moms grandma flying around our car and then my phone shattered and a really thick fog started swarming. After we left the car ran out of gas and then loud rock music started playing from the tomb of Thomas Larson. So lit. But very scary. We recommend to bring a guy or boyfriend.

    Posted 5/6/17

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    3 out of 10 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,803
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3347 days ago)

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