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Holbrook Park - Real Long Lake Haunted Place

  • 310 Harrington Drive
  • Long Lake, MN
  • 952-473-6961
Average Review
  (5 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Yes - Open To Public
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Locals tell the story of a ghostly little girl that can be seen on Sunday nights around 2 AM, wandering around the park. Reports say if you get too close to her, she vanishes. Later, when she returns, she is with the apparition of her father and she has apples in her apron. The father's ghost is said to attack anyone that gets too close to them.
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  • Omg!

    We recently moved to this neighborhood! My youngest has been talking none stop about his imaginary friend SARAH for months! My neighbor said it was probably the girl from the park! Twice now I thought I saw a girl in my house. I don't think she's just at the park.

    Posted 8/20/23

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  • Holbrook Park/Highway 12

    We called the girl Sarah! I think 2am was a typo, we always heard midnight, though anyone who spent enough time at that park like I did growing up had experiences with her at different times. The old creepy part of the park is gone though and is now highway. Recently my wife freaked out and had me stop while driving by on highway 12 next to the park late at night. She saw a little girl in a dress walking next to the road and was concerned because it was so late. I stopped the girl was gone my wife was freaked out and I laughed and told her about this ghost story. She didn't believe me until I had her Google Holbrook ghost.

    Posted 7/27/23

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  • Clarification Needed

    Can anyone clarify whether or not the ghost appears on what would truly be 2:00am Sunday morning (as in 3 hours past Saturday at 11:00pm), or is it actually 2:00am Monday morning (3 hours past Sunday at 11:00pm)? About a year ago (May) we went with emf readers on cell phones at what would technically be Sunday morning (2:00am), looked around and saw/found nothing (hence my current poor rating).

    Posted 5/27/23

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  • Old story.

    I grew up next to this park in 80s, 90s and practically lived there like every kid in the neighborhood. The park and surrounding neighborhood used to be an apple ochard until the housing development in the 60s. There used to be a second playground on the northeast corner of the park, it was surrounded by a wooded area next to the old railway tracks that are now the highway and the train tracks moved south taking out that playground. This playground had a path to the tracks were we all played as kids and smoked our first cigarettes or snuck drinks as kids away from adult eyes. However we were told to stay away from the tracks and that a young kid was killed by a train and they haunted the surrounding area. Never heard this version growing up, always figured something told to scare us kids into just staying away from the tracks. Went for a walk around the park in high school one night with my girlfriend for some alone time. We were sitting in the back corner of the park on the merry-go-round at like 10:00 on Friday night when we heard a kid giggling and saw movement in the brush, took a look nothing there. We left after that.

    Posted 10/12/21

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  • Scary but didn't see her or her dad

    When we got there we parked in the parking lot and right away we heard banging on the roof. But it actually turned out to be that we parked under an apple tree. We didn't see any apparitions but the fact the story says she carries apples and there's apple trees there is super creepy

    Posted 12/28/20

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3347 days ago)

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