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Dead Man's Trail - Real Haunt in Thief River Falls MN

  • L.B. Hartz Park
  • Thief River Falls, MN
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  (3 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
Open To Public
Yes - Open To Public
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This trail is the site of a legend that includes a young Native American woman whose baby was carried away by the rushing river and over the falls to the rocks below. The woman had cursed the river, claiming it had stolen the tribe's future chief. Witnesses have seen the woman's spirit or have heard her crying.
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  • okish

    It was normal at first I went with my younger brother. After walking for an hour we started to hear cries I said hello but then the crying stopped. We kept walking for a while but there were no more noises so we head back. we ended up getting lost on our way back LOL.

    Posted 10/18/21

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  • Dead mans trail

    Why is it haunted? It's on legends.

    Posted 6/7/17

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  • Beautiful Hike

    Went there today. Nothing strange happened. We left a peace offering and spoke some words at the entrance of the woods for the spirits of the tribe. I would like to add that the virtual maps link that someone attached is incorrect. We had to ask a local how to get there... it is off the main road kind of near the cemetery. When you walk in there are two paths (a paved path *NOT the correct one) and a more natural looking path (*correct one*). Please be aware there are animals in the woods, including dear, which might look like someone running or create the sense of something following or watching you. I think there are WAY creepier places in this town. We stopped by the historical museum (they were closed) and we looked in the window -where a carriage was moving on its own. There was also a little restaurant near that "Evergreen Eating Emporium" which gave us the eebeejeebies. Def going back to check out that locked up museum when it is open again.

    Posted 9/16/16

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 7,573
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3348 days ago)

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