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Chase on the Lake - Real Haunts in Walker MN

  • 502 Cleveland Blvd.
  • Walker, MN
  • (218) 547-7777
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Chase on the Lake is believed to be haunted but details of what exactly haunts the location are hard to find. Some say the area may be haunted due to its use as a morgue following a battle in the Indian Wars but details and geography are hard to prove. Email Haunt
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  • Rolling luggage

    I woke in the middle of the night to loud rolling luggage and stomping in the room above us. The next morning I told my husband someone moved into the room above us last night. He said...there isn't another room above us, we are on the top floor.

    Posted 9/2/24

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Overall Haunted, the 2208 experience below was a drunk lady

    I've been night staff on the weekends at the Chase for over 5 years. I've seen many things but nothing very overt like "Hey look at me! I'm a ghost" that people associate with hauntings. Everything is fairly subtle and as stated in the below experiences it is usually vibes and small voices/sounds. We've had many ghost hunters come around as well. As for the 2208 experience listed below... that was me. I was shooing a drunk lady away from their door because she thought the room was hers. ROFL

    Posted 8/19/23

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    6 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • Bad vibes

    I have always had a very neutral outlook on spirits, I was never sure they existed until I stayed at chase on the lake. During the day, everything was great, beautiful place with a good feeling. But as night came around things changed for me. We went down to the arcade where the bowling alley used to be- We attempted to play a song on the jute box- but it glitched and randomly started playing “Trouble” by Taylor swift. Once the song ended I then turned on my phones pandora and it immediately played the same song. We left shortly after to go to our room to sleep. Got comfortable in bed and this is when things got weird. As soon as I got comfortable in bed, I started hearing “phantom cries” from what seemed like two small children calling out “mom, mommy” repeatedly like they were looking for me. As soon as I would sit up and turn the light on it would stop, but repeated over and over everytime I laid back down. I also felt very BAD vibes/energy which I’ve never felt before, it was almost like there was something extremely distressed around me and it was one of the worst feelings. This happened for 3-4 hours from 12:30-3:30AM. I wanted to leave in the middle of the night due to the feeling of horrible energy and the callings from these child like voices coming from outside of the hotel room door. I was finally able to fall asleep and when I awoke in the morning things were fine again. But there was something not right between those few hours in the night.

    Posted 4/9/23

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Room 2208

    This weekend I stayed at Chase on the Lake and one time when I was going to bed, I heard someone or something should I say, was knocking on my bedroom door. The thing is is that I was staying alone for a business meeting. I opened the door and no one was there. I also heard someone trying to open the door to my hotel room. There was a sports tournament this weekend so it could be the little children.

    Posted 1/7/23

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    5 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Definitely haunted

    My mother and I stayed in room 1414 on the fourth floor (lakeview) and we both picked up on a lady in a white dress being in there with something bad happening to her on the balcony. I also picked up on a very heavy hostile energy in the room and was told by someone who had stayed in the room in the past that they picked up on a spirit of a man who didn’t like women very much. Both my mother I felt watched from the door leading out of our room, especially when we were sleeping. Nothing was bad or scary, just definitely felt some spiritual activity there!

    Posted 10/17/22

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  • Not haunted at all

    Lovely hotel with beautiful views, not at all haunted. The only children's shrieks were from the pool where the very much living kids having lots of fun. I recommend visiting, but not because it's haunted.

    Posted 8/24/22

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    2 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Yes, very haunted indeed.

    As an employee at Chase on the Lake, I can confirm it is VERY haunted. Yep. The 4th floor, both hotel rooms and condos is where the most activity happens. Ghosts of children love messing with guests by knocking, running up and down the hallways, messing with doors, giggling and running away. It happens on the rest of the floors as well, just the 4th floor is where they're most active. The old bowling alley is where the darker and meaner ghosts hover around. You may experience headaches from them grabbing at the back of your neck, or get dizzy. I have seen red eyes peaking out at me from the far back wall when I went to check it out. The piano we have is a very old late 1920's or so, and it has played on it's own numerous times, Heard by mainly employees. Kicking and or knocking on the walls at night, mainly between 12-4 in the morning. So, as long as you are nice to them, they will be content. The children are harmless, only annoying sometimes lol

    Posted 6/30/22

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    8 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • 4th floor

    Me and a few family members where walking on the 4th floor and there was no one checked in on the top floor. We where walking down the hall to see the big room at the end. And the door in the hallway slammed shut behind our and we all jumped and turned to see a closed door. We walked back quickly and there was no one there. We opened the door again and inspected for tripwires or laser wires that if the get crossed the door closed but we found nothing. I wonder what it like at midnight.

    Posted 3/12/21

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Ghosts everywhere

    We checked in to this beautiful place, not expecting to see the spiritual realm. At night, around 12:00, our daughter started screaming and throwing things across the room. We ran to her. Her eyes were shut and she stood up and started walking towards us with a broken lamp that she threw towards us. It was very sharp. We ran out of the room, she dropped down to the floor. We saw her lying down in the middle of broken glass. We put her back in bed. We left early the next morning and have never gone back.

    Posted 6/18/20

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    6 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • Room1205

    I have never believed in ghosts, but after this past week, I have to. I was awakened at 2:50 am to someone crawling into bed with me. I could feel the movement of the covers, pillows, and the bed itself. I was convinced it was a real person, laid as still as I could frozen and paralyzed in fear. I had no checked what was under the bed when I went to bed and thought it was possible that someone had hidden under there. I managed to move very quickly to jump out of bed and turn the light on. There was no one present. This was so real I could not sleep the rest of the night, and the next night I left lights on, as I was still very afraid. I told my friend about this the next morning. Neither one of us knew that Chase was thought to be haunted. The night before we left, my friend was out at the bon fire when people started talking about the stories of this place being haunted. Unbelievable. I have never had an encounter of such.

    Posted 10/20/19

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    10 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • Footsteps, knocks, and creepy sleeptalking

    My significant other and I have stayed at this beautiful resort on numerous occasions and we have always had a wonderful time. Over Memorial Day weekend, we decided to bring our kids aged 6 and 3. Friday mid afternoon we arrived, staying in the main resort in room 1418 and went to bed with no problems, Saturday night was a completely different feel. We put the kids to bed around 9:30 and my significant other and I stayed up till about 11. At roughly 12:30, we were abruptly awoken by our 6 year old screaming, "FIRE!" We shot out of bed to find him sitting stick straight up in bed, with his eyes shut wobbling back in forth in a daze. I quietly laid him back down and went back to my bed. Throughout the rest of the night, on top of being incredibly creeped out and uncomfortable, we were hearing knocks in our room, footsteps, the doorknob jiggling, and bangs that seemed to be coming from the wall behind us. The chase is a beautiful and history packed hotel, and in 1997, part of the hotel did succumb to a fire. Was yelling, "FIRE!" a coincidence of a 6 year olds adventurous mind, or was this something else? We don't know, but we will be back!

    Posted 5/30/18

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    18 out of 19 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3344 days ago)

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