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St. Mary's College - Heffron Hall - Winona MN Real Haunted Places

  • 700 Terrace Heights
  • Winona, MN
  • (507) 452-4430
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This hall at St. Mary's College is believed to have a ghost that those think is Father Louis Lesches, who killed Bishop Patrick Heffron in 1915 and may have also been involved in a mysterious burning death of Rev. Edward Lynch in 1931. Some of the paranormal occurrences at this location include cold spots, blood running from the bathroom taps and horrific experiences such as being killed or branded across the chest with a cross. The letters A C M have often been found somewhere after any incidents, the meaning of the letters is unknown.
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  • It really is haunted!

    Walked through there years ago. It was unsettling. Felt like I was followed and bloody water came out of the bathroom sink and toilet. Several unexplained deaths happened on the campus.

    Posted 10/31/23

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  • Saint Mary's University Winona Minnesota

    This place is really haunted. Went through there years ago. In the bathroom faucets turned on by themselves. These were older style faucets that were not electronic, toilet flushed itself and again older toilet that needed to be flushed manually. Blood red water from the sink.

    Posted 10/31/23

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  • The Ghost Of Heffron Hall

    I saw Patrick sitting on the grass in front of the school, Patrick is my Great Great Grandfather and so I was excited to see this! The story that I've been told is that Father Louis attempted to shoot Father Patrick in a fit of anger during mass, I've been asking my Grandmother for more about the story though because I'm interested in what she knows. What I've been told for sure though is that the ghost is most likely Father Louis angry that he was held in a mental hospital and died in it. (Sorry I can't remember more)

    Posted 12/16/22

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  • stay out of my house

    this is not haunted at all! just stay out of my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can hear everyhing any one does -M

    Posted 6/1/19

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3343 days ago)

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