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Harrington-Merrill House - Hutchinson MN Haunted Place

  • 225 Washington Ave.
  • Hutchinson, MN
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Colleges
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This home dates back to 1820 and is rumored to be haunted by a Native American Sioux named Little Crow and his son. They were both shot by a farmer while they were spending the night in the house. Some believe the son was not killed.
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  • Nothing haunted to see here, not accurate

    The house was built in 1858. Hutchinson was not settled until 1855 so in 1820 there were no homes or immigrants. It is on the National Register of Historic places. Para testing found found no activity. Little crow and his son were not shot in or anywhere near the property. It is part of a tour regularly hosted by Historic Hutchinson.

    Posted 5/16/24

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  • not an accurate description

    Little Crow was shot and killed in a field outside of Hutchinson. His son did survive. However, the house is still significant to Little Crow. He wanted it for his own, planning to burn down all other homes and killing the settlers. I have heard stories about the house being haunted, but it's believed that the family (or at least their maid) who lived there in the 1860's haunts the house. The city has blocked off this house from public access. It's boarded up and lit up with spotlights at night, giving it an extra eerie look. The house has sat this way, neglected and seemingly forgotten, for probably 20 years now.. despite the fact that it sits directly across from the elementary school.

    Posted 7/28/20

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3326 days ago)

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