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Afton Apple Orchard Corn Maze

Average Review
  (1 review)
Scare Factor
Not Scary at All
Appropriate For
All ages
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Pumpkin Patches, Halloween Festivals & Parades, Hay Rides (Kid Friendly), Mazes / Corn Mazes (Kid Friendly)
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Snacks & Refreshments, Outdoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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Afton Apple Orchard has over 200+ beautiful acres producing delicious Minnesota grown strawberries, raspberries, pumpkins and 13 different varieties of apples that can be picked by our customers at the peak of perfection.

Corn Maze:
This huge 15 acre corn maze is calling your name! The maze is divided into 3 phases. The first phase is for beginners, and those who consider themselves to be directionaly challenged! You can exit there, or go on to the 2nd, more difficult phase. If you are up to the challenge, continue through the 3rd, and most difficult phase. There are over 6 miles of twists and turns! Try it by the light of day, or try your luck by the light of the moon.

What's fall without a trip to the pumpkin patch? Come on out to our pumpkin patch for a hayride and enjoy the breathtaking autumn colors of the scenic St. Croix Valley! Stay for a piping hot cup of fresh apple cider, coffee or hot chocolate. Sit at the picnic tables and watch your children play on the playground or pet the animals in our petting farm. Pick up some extras while the getting is good, because there are a lot of ways to use pumpkins other than using them for carving or pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin picking season starts late September and goes through October. We have mini pumpkins, pie pumpkins, small jack-o-lanterns, medium pumpkins and very large pumpkins! We also have gourds, several varieties of squash and both small and large ornamental decorating corn.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Afton Apple Orchard Corn Maze
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Get Directions
From the North of Mpls/St.Paul: Take 694 East to Hwy. 94 East. East on Hwy. 94 to Manning Ave/MN 95 (County Rd .15) exit #253. South/Right on Manning Ave/MN 95 9 miles to 90th St. (Co. Rd 76), turn left and go 2 1/2 miles to our orchard. Watch for signs. From Mpls/St. Paul: East on Hwy. 94 to Manning Ave/MN 95 (County Rd. 15) exit #253. South/Right on Manning Ave. 9 miles to 90th St. (Co. Rd 76), turn left and go 2 1/2 miles to our orchard. Watch for signs. From the West: 494 East to Hwy 61. Go south on Hwy. 61- 10 miles to MN 95. Go Left/North on Hwy. 95 - 3 miles to 90th St. Turn right on 90th St. and go 2 1/2 miles to our orchard. Watch for signs. From the South: Take Hwy. 61 North to MN 95. Go Right/North on MN 95. Go 3 miles to 90th St. Take right and go 2 1/2 miles to our orchard. Watch for signs.

Recent Reviews

  • Great entertainment for the whole family

    Very pleased. The nice weekend attracts a lot of people. I would encourage coming early so the family can enjoy the whole day. They have lots to offer from the orchard events to the corn maze! Haunting begins October 14th.

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2016

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