2023 Question and Answer With Monster Bash Haunted House
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October 5, 2023 By Haunt News & Press Releases

MinnesotaHauntedHouses.com recently sat down with Jt Shupe of Monster Bash Haunted House, to discuss what's new at Monster Bash Haunted House for the 2023 Halloween Season!
What's new at Monster Bash Haunted House for 2023? Do you have any new rides, attractions, or special features that Haunt Seekers should know about?
We have a whole new theme, top to bottom, side to side, life to death!
Monster Bash 11 : New Life Cemetery!
What are you most excited about for the 2023 Halloween Season?
I don't want to give away too much but we have added a bunch of infrastructure improvements this year to try to make our guests experience even better than it has been!
What differentiates Monster Bash Haunted House from other local haunts in Minnesota?
This haunted house is run by a group of dedicated volunteers who form the Monster Bash Inc 501(c)3 charity board of directors. As such we are dedicated to giving guests a great experience and try to improve that experience every year. In addition, other than the location and size of the event (for now) the haunt theme changes completely every year! One final item, each year we make an exceptional effort to make certain that our haunt is wheelchair accessible. To our knowledge we are the only haunt within a couple hundred miles who does this.
How long has Monster Bash Haunted House been in business? Can you tell us a bit more about Monster Bash Haunted House's history?
Monster Bash Haunted House has been active as a charity for 6 years, a Haunted House for 11 seasons, and an organization for 12 years! What started out as a wild idea to help the local high school band and choir has turned into a going charitable concern supporting all the arts!
What's your favorite experience since opening Monster Bash Haunted House?
Many of us on the board feel our greatest experience is actually working with our young folks. Seeing them grow and learn over the years they are involved with us is extremely rewarding.
How long is a typical haunt experience at Monster Bash Haunted House from start to finish?
Currently our wait is the longest part of our haunt. Given the layout changes every year and patrons react differently it is tough to pin it down and say "You will spend 15 minutes inside being scared." We have groups who really motor through and others who get stuck by particular scares and refuse to move forward. However, I would say an average year to year is 10-15 minutes inside the haunt.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how scary would you say Monster Bash Haunted House is? Why?
I'm going to decline this answer as it isn't something 1 person can answer.
We've had people come out saying it wasn't very scary and others who have wet themselves inside the haunt. It really depends on what scares you, our visitors. As an example, clowns, no matter how creepy do not bother me. Other people refuse to move forward as soon as they see anything clown related.
Does Monster Bash Haunted House's property have any real haunted history? Do you have a spooky encounter you'd like to share?
There is no "documented" haunting on the property. However, in the offseason when we are working we often hear sounds and voices which can't readily be explained.
How has new technology (i.e. animatronics, special props, etc) helped you to enhance Monster Bash Haunted House?
As a charity getting new technology is a slow grind for us, but we keep working to improve and diversify what we use to scare visitors. This year we received a very generous donation which expanded the capabilities of what we can do with animatronics in the haunt!
Can Monster Bash Haunted House accommodate large groups? How many people can experience Monster Bash Haunted House together as a group?
We try to limit our groups to 4 people. We feel the "conga line" is not a good way to experience scares. We have let larger family groups in, but 4 people at a time is our goal.
Anything else you'd like to let us know about Monster Bash Haunted House?
On the afternoon of October 28, 2023 (part of that day's Haunted Harmony festivities) there will be two free performances by Fandazzi Fire next to the Monster Bash Building! Sponsored by Monster Bash and the Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce!
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